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Current Standings (as of 02/22/2020)

Rank Team Name Wins Losses Ties Total Games Points for Points against Points +/- Win Pct.
1 H3 Doro 9 1 0 10 620 457 163 0.900
2 H8 Clarke 8 2 0 10 558 442 116 0.800
3 H1 Freborg 8 2 0 10 514 446 68 0.800
4 H2 Loretz 6 4 0 10 577 485 92 0.600
5 H5 Hagen 4 6 0 10 526 609 -83 0.400
6 H4 Erickson 2 8 0 10 456 548 -92 0.200
7 H7 Hidde 2 8 0 10 422 534 -112 0.200
8 H6 Bauer 1 9 0 10 384 536 -152 0.100

At this point, participation is for recreational purposes and skills are reinforced and maintained with less effort on developing new skills.   Players will compete each Saturday morning in a competitive game that closely follows standard basketball rules.  Play is at 10 foot baskets.

If my player tries out for basketball thru the High School and does not make a team, will his registration automatically be transferred to the ERBYB High School Registration?

No.  While ERBYB and ERHS Basketball support each other they are two distinct entities.  This includes registration.  Best option would be to register for the ERBYB high school and if your son makes an ERHS Basketball team, contact Molly Bliss for a refund.  There is no penalty for refunds due to making the high school team.  You will be required to pay current fees if you decide to wait to register your son until after ERHS tryouts (there will be no discount to the early-bird registration fee if you choose to wait).

Jon Lockwood

Travel Director / Player & Coach Development