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Current Standings (as of 02/22/2020)

Rank Team Name Wins Losses Ties Total Games Points for Points against Points +/- Win Pct.
1 604 Birdsall 8 2 0 10 410 285 125 0.800
2 602 Heasley 8 2 0 10 323 212 111 0.800
3 603 Jones 8 2 0 10 349 258 91 0.800
4 601 Glime 6 4 0 10 347 277 70 0.600
5 608 Sherrett 5 5 0 10 279 259 20 0.500
6 607 Kostreba 5 5 0 10 306 303 3 0.500
7 605 Reinert 5 5 0 10 299 324 -25 0.500
8 606 Ambrose 4 6 0 10 290 334 -44 0.400
9 609 Medcalf 2 8 0 10 206 289 -83 0.200
10 610 Herbert 0 10 0 10 152 376 -224 0.000

This next level becomes less on teaching of the rules and more on further development of fundamental skills.   Players will compete each Saturday in a competitive game.   Games are structured to allow equal playing time and provide structured breaks for coaches to move players in and out of the game.  Play is at 10 foot baskets with a 28.5 inch basketball.

Teams will have practice two hours during  the week and have game(s) on Saturday morning.   The season will start December 14th.  There will be one Mid-Season Jamboree (2 games) January 18th, and one weekend year-end tournament the weekend of February 29th and March 1st.  Please include any special arrangements in comment section of registration form.

Open Position

Vice President